S Zaidi
2 min readApr 12, 2021


The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

I want to build my CV and I know that it took time maybe 2 days or more. So, I decided to use this Pomodoro technique because I wanted to complete this as soon as possible.

This technique has several steps. First step is to set a timer of 25 minutes. Therefore, I set an alarm of 25 minutes and then start writing. The second step is if something disturbs you in your mind, note that on a piece of paper and start to work again and I got distracted with so much things like OH ! I forgot to fill up those bottles, I have to iron my dress for today’s dinner and etc. Because my gratification monkey was there and he was trying to disturb me after every five seconds but I didn’t pay attention. I wrote it down on a paper and goes on. Then the third step is When the timer tings, make a star or tick. That means 25 minutes are over and then take a short 3–5 minutes break. Then I repeated those 1–3 steps again and again until I completed my task. Also, it is important to note that after you have 4 ticks on your paper, you can take a longer break (15–20 minutes) and that’s important too.

This method was really helpful for me. It saves my time and frustration and also it tells me that this task can be completed in a single day as well. Although I had many challenges and one of them is to stay focused. It was quite difficult to stay focused on my work, after every 5 minutes I remembered something and wanted to close this work but I tried and in the end, I got something positive and that is my completion of work.

It helps me to accomplish more in a day than ever. I always wonder why I didn’t complete my PW before time. For instance, I wanted to complete my PW on Thursday but due to wastage of time, I submitted every PW on Saturday morning or Friday night. I learned that 24 hours in a day is enough to complete my daily tasks, including PW. All I need to learn is time-management.

I am planning to use this technique in my everyday life because it’s not about assignments, everything needs to be organized and calculated and this is the easiest way to do calculations and complete our work in time or before the deadline. I would manage my time through this technique and also do tell others to apply this method in their lives.

